Week1 B: Social Media Use Today

    I have been using social media since I was a teenager and I have seen it change and grow over the years. I have used it socially, as well as to promote my music career. In my experience the more you interact with people on social media, the more interest is drawn to your business or product.There are two sides to social media, as we all know. There is the supportive "share my friends business" side and there is the "troll" side. If I had a dollar for every time someone said something cruel to me on social media, I could buy a new car. The problem with social media is also why people love it, it gives you access to people all over the world, kind people and cruel people. I believe that all social platforms can be used for both social and business purposes, and I believe when you use it for both it is the most effective. I have spent the last few months trying to learn how to balance the social and business aspect, I'm learning how to be real while still being personable, all while selling a product. 


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